Thursday, October 1, 2009

Essay number Two


In my spare time watching TV is something I love to do. I really enjoy watching reality TV. One of my favorite shows is called Snapped. This show is about people snapping and committing horrid murders. The show investigates how the murders, happened and where it took place. I like this show much more than similar shows like Americas Most Wanted because this is the only show I know that tells the whole story and also shows the real people who committed the crime.
Snapped starts off by introducing the people involved in the murder and going into their backgrounds. They tell where the person was born, their parents’ names, where they lived, their childhood, if they have gotten married, and how many kids they had. They also start by having people who knew the victim or suspect talk about them. Having this information about them is really interesting to me because many people may think all criminals come from the same background. It’s really interesting to see that most of them come from all different backgrounds. For instance I can remember this one time; there was a show about pure blood aristocrats, the Du Pont family.
The Du Point family is an American family descended from Pierre Samuel Du Pont De Nemours. The son of a Paris watchmaker and a member of a Burundian noble family, he and his sons, Victor Marie du Pont and Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, immigrated to the United States in 1800s and used the resources of their Huguenot heritage to found one of the most prominent of American families. Well further on down the line of the Du Pont family the heritress had her son’s girlfriend murdered and stuffed into a trash bag at a Las Vegas hotel room because she didn’t want her to get any of the inheritance. So as you can see many of these cases involve many different people from all types of backgrounds.
After the show goes on, it then goes into the trial and the consequences that happen after it. People may think these people go to prison for a long time, but many of these people get off with just a couple of years or no time at all. One example of that would be an episode I can remember watching about a woman named Ruth Ann Myers. She was prosecuted for solicitation to murder. She tried to hire a hit man to get rid of her husband who wanted to divorce her and a strong political opponent. They caught her red handed; they had phone records, pictures of her car, pictures of the money she took out of her account and everything. Well things didn’t look so good for Ruth Ann, but she wasn’t going down without a fight.
When it was time to go to trail she changed her physical apprence greatly, no make up, no nice clothing, jewelry or anything. She didn’t even do her hair. She pleads Not Guilty and said she was suffering from mental health since her father sexually abused her when she was younger. All in all when the trial was over Ruth Ann was only sentenced to two 18 month sentences. After that she lost everything, her political career, her husband ever one of her children, her son Joshua, who was a stockbroker who died in the September 11th attacks.
All in all I think Snapped is definitely a good interesting show to watch, because it tells about the background of the suspect to let you know what type of environment they came from. They talk about the crime and exactly how it happened, and also testimonies from real people who knew the suspect or the victim and the trial and consequences.

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